If you missed it in 2007 then you have plenty of time to prepare yourself for the 2008 Global Orgasm. Stay tuned for the exact date and remember: it is a Global Orgasm not Global Procreation. Be safe! Be smart! www.globalorgasm.org
Spiders on drugs (The video)
Labels: addiction, analog, design, environment, fashion, fun, rehabilitation
Banksy returns to Bethlehem
The British artist Banksy has painted new murals on the West Bank barrier which runs beside Bethlehem.
Banksy in Bethlehem: a sudden, provocative comeback
The graffiti artist Banksy was conspicuous by his absence today at the opening of a new exhibition of his work and that of many other artists in the unlikely setting of the West Bank town of Bethlehem. But in the past week his provocative, stencilled images made a sudden comeback to the walls of the Holy Land.
Critics paint over Banksy Bethlehem murals
Though his intention was to shed light on the plight of Bethlehem residents, British graffiti artist Banksy has received a poor review of some of the artworks he has stencilled around the West Bank town.
Banksy's Bethlehem mural erased by residents
BETHLEHEM (Reuters) - Offended Bethlehem residents have painted over a satirical mural by graffiti artist Banksy that was meant to highlight their plight.
Labels: analog, art, gentrification, graffiti, inspire
Mellinda-Mae Harlignton
Mellinda-Mae, along with Nicole Bridger, was chosen by Steven Schelling (The Look, WestEnder December 20 – 26, 2007) as one of two Best New Designers of 2007.
We admit our bias has a little to do with having worked on her Fall/Winter 2007 collection catalogue and a lot to do with simply liking her work.
World's 'wurst' lovers?
German men are the world's worst lovers, according to a poll of 10,000 women travelers.
They are branded selfish in bed while second-placed Swedes are too quick.
Third are the "too rough" Dutch, followed by "too dominant Americans, "soppy" Welshmen and "too loud" Scots.
Englishmen were voted 10th worst for being too chubby. Turks were sweaty, Greeks smelly and Russians hairy.
Women from 50 countries were quizzed on social networking site WAYN.com.
Spokesman Peter Ward said: "Who would have thought Welshmen were better lovers than Swedes? But I would remind girls, it takes two to tango."
Italian men were voted best lovers followed by males from France, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Spain, Denmark, New Zealand, Brazil and Canada.
The Greenest Hypocrites of 2007
1. Al Gore’s Inconvenient Lifestyle. While the former veep and nouveau-$100 millionaire jets around the world squawking about the “planet having a fever” and demanding that we all lower our standard of living, his own personal electricity use is 20 times the national average, including an indoor pool costing $500/month to heat.
While Gore deflected criticism of his inconvenient electric bill during March congressional testimony by saying he purchased “green” electricity, the truth is, he didn’t start doing so until 2007. 2. Google’s Sky Pig. A photo-op of Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin plugging-in a hybrid car was part of the search engine giant’s June announcement promising carbon neutrality by 2008. But how this PR-fluff squares with the so-called “Google party jet” — Page and Brin’s gargantuan personal Boeing 767, which burns about 1,550 gallons/hour — is any one’s guess. 3. RFK Jr. Tilts at Windmills. Outspoken global warming activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently railed against coal-produced electricity because “climate change is the most urgent threat to our collective survival.” Meanwhile, Kennedy vigorously campaigns against a proposed Cape Cod wind farm that would generate CO2-free electricity because it would “impoverish the experience of millions of tourists and residents and fishing families who rely on the sound's unspoiled bounties.” Unmentioned in Kennedy’s tirades, however, is the windmill’s unfortunate proximity to his family’s famed Hyannis Port compound. 4. The U.N.’s ‘Bali High’. Early December will witness 10,000 climateers descending upon the paradisiacal island resort of Bali for the 13th annual U.N. global warming meeting. The reason for much jet and limo travel — and other prodigious greenhouse gas generating activity associated with such a mega-conference — is relatively modest: setting the agenda and timeframe for a post-Kyoto treaty. Sure seems like something that could have been handled in a less carbon-intensive way — either by Internet and video conferencing or, if meeting is necessary, somewhere in North America or Europe where most key attendees are based. 5. Nancy Nukes Nukes. Supposedly concerned that “global warming and energy independence…have profound implications for our nation’s economic competitiveness, national security, environmental quality and public health,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi created the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming to take the congressional lead on those issues. So who did Speaker Pelosi pick to chair the committee? None other than long-time nuclear power opponent Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., who appeared with anti-nuke celebrities Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne at an October Capitol Hill press conference to denounce legislation promoting the development of ultra-green nuclear power. 6. Every home a Superfund site? “Mercury is highly toxic to everyone, but particularly to children and developing fetuses,” says the activist group Environmental Defense, a long-time campaigner against mercury from power plant emissions and in automobile convenience lighting. So it came as quite a surprise when the group began advocating that consumers bring the “highly toxic” mercury into their homes in the form of compact fluorescent light bulbs in order to reduce power plant CO2 emissions. CFLs are so hazardous, according to public health officials however, that special safety precautions must be taken for disposal or if the bulbs break. 7. Doesn’t everyone own a NASA scientist? In March 2007, NASA’s climate alarmist-in-chief James Hansen criticized “special interests” campaigning against climate regulation. “By larding the campaign coffers of numerous politicians, the fossil fuel industry has succeeded in subverting the democratic principle…Until the public indicates sufficient interest, and puts pressure on political systems, special interests will continue to rule.” Though Hansen poses as a humble civil servant, it recently came to light that his alarmist efforts have been bankrolled by leftist billionaire and MoveOn.org sugar-daddy George Soros. Doesn’t Soros qualify as a “special interest,” Dr. Hansen? 8. Like a Virgin’s Carbon Footprint. London’s Daily Mail reported (“What planet are they on?, July 7) on the climate consciousness of Madonna and other Live Earth performers. “[T]he pop stars headlining the concerts are the absolute antithesis of the message they promote with Madonna leading the pack of the worst individual rock star polluters in the world… Madonna alone has an annual carbon footprint of 1,018 tons… the average Briton produces just 10 tons… [her] Confessions tour last year produced 440 tons of carbon pollution in just four months, simply in flights between venues.” That’s one small footprint for the average Brit, but one giant footprint for celebrity-kind. 9. The NBC Poppycock. NBC-Universal kicked-off of its “Green is Universal” initiative by dimming the studio lights — but not two giant video screens and advertisements — during a break in the Nov. 4 Cowboys-Eagles game. Candle-lit host Bob Costas then cut to video of Today show personalities Matt Lauer, Al Roker and Ann Curry reporting about climate change from the Arctic, Amazon and Antarctic, respectively. None gave even a nod to the energy-hogging effort required to send them and crews to do such pointless broadcasts from exotic locales. 10. California’s Hypocritenator. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared in June 2005 that, “California will be a leader in the fight against global warming…the time for action is now.” But just two years later, the Los Angeles Times reported that state efforts had been derailed by the governor’s mismanagement and deceit. Schwarzenegger even fired the state’s chief regulator for refusing to limit the number of greenhouse gas regulations. Columnist Debra Saunders noted that, “Schwarzenegger boasts that he is a world leader in the fight against global warming — but his advocacy shouldn't keep him from flying in private jets or driving a Hummer.” The one thing these honorees all have in common is that their real-life actions belie their carefully crafted green public images. If they don’t take their commitment seriously, why should you?
Queen's Speech
The first televised Christmas Broadcast or 'Queen's Speech', was filmed at Sandringham House in Norfolk in 1957 and is now available on The Royal Channel at YouTube. The Christmas Broadcast or 'Queen's Speech' for 2007 will appear on this channel at approximately 3pm GMT on Christmas Day. At this point there appear to be 18 videos to view, with highlights such as A day in the life of The Prince of Wales, The Prince of Wales visits the Robert Clack School, The Queen and her Prime Ministers and my particular favorite Garden Parties. www.youtube.com/TheRoyalChannel
London Transport Museum (London)
The new Museum opened on 22 November after a two year, £22 million refurbishment and redesign project. The Museum received a grant of £9.4 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund and very generous support from almost 100 corporate partners, trusts and foundations. New galleries tell the story of the development of London, its transport systems and the people who travelled and worked on them over the last 200 years. As well as exploring the past, the new Museum looks at future transport developments and how transport has shaped five other world cities - Delhi, New York, Paris, Shanghai and Tokyo.
Labels: best of, exhibition, london
DLR ART (London)
Marking the launch of the DLR’s new Public Arts Strategy and Programme, Sidetrack reveals the ordinary and the extraordinary along the route of the DLR. Alan Williams’ series of photographs can be seen on stations and trains across the network during July and August.
Labels: art, exhibition, london
Fonil Design's Canadian Bureau
World Headquarters.
Labels: art, Canada, design, environment, gentrification, ideas, video
Are you are often up late, gently weeping overtop a pad of A4 while diligently, yet pathetically, writing an apology letter to your ex-girlfriend (or boyfriend)? If so, then you need this. Preemptively save your relationship (and thus, prolong the inevitable).
from the Bureau of Communication.
Patrick Winfield
…does these fantastic Polaroid composites.
saranghe, 2007
polaroid Spectra film on board
h:24 w:30 inches
from Patrick Winfield.com.
QOOB (Mtv Italia)
Upload your video content, collaborate with designers to get your graphics and titles done or audiomakers to get your soundtrack. The digital era has paved the way for thousands of new producers to make their dreams come true. We know you're out there and we want to open our doors to your talent. You just have to upload your stuff on QOOB and be part of it, to have your chance. You can upload content based on your free inspiration or enter one of our commissioning.
If we spot your potential, we get in touch with you so to license your content for on air transmission. Second step? We can pitch you for real high budget production! We place a consistent number of financing across the year and we may even help you with our own facilities.
Product of God
An online gallery offering high quality and affordable Limited Editions by leading contemporary illustrators and graphic artists.
Labels: analog, art, illustration
Grafik 150
So Grafik magazine’s new book Grafik 150, celebrating their 150th issue, is an enlightening read to say the least. Editor Caroline Roberts has rounded up 150 luminaries from a wide range of creative disciplines (including our very own Editor-in-Chief, Tony Chambers) and charged them with revealing something they’re inspired by. And the results are truly eclectic, not to mention fascinating.
www.wallpaper.com www.grafikmagazine.co.uk
"a trailer park and a gas station are in the way of the nearest alternative"
It has been a year now since the occupation of the cave on SPAET mountain happened and just over six month now since the occupation of the tree sitters started. About the only things that have changed is the land scape of the mountain, the date on the calender, the time zone, and amount of people ending up homeless and the amount of people committed to stop the development as the date gets closer to more destruction of this once beautiful mountain. homelessnation.org _ _ _ _ Construction is set to start any day on a highway interchange to serve the Bear Mountain Resort and Country Club west of Victoria, but first the authorities will have to deal with protesters who've camped for a year in the area and are determined to prevent the destruction of what they say is an environmentally and archaeologically rich place. thetyee.ca
Labels: Canada, community, environment, gentrification
Leaving Las Vegas
To hell with shopping days, you only have two days left to see Celine Dion in Las Vegas. Saturday, December 15 will bring to a close her five year run of A New Day …
An unrelated search brought up a Craigslist Central LA ad for two VIP tickets for $995.00 so all is not lost. Enjoy …
www.celinedion.com losangeles.craigslist.org
Labels: Canada, gentrification, music, USA
iPod Touch playing PDA
A few years back a friend gave me a Palm Cleo as a Christmas gift (When I was still taking a part in the monetary exchange) which I used regularly up until I moved to England. I decided I wouldn't be able to make use of it there due to technical constraints and left it with my friend.
Since then my PDAs have consisted of paper pads and pens, largely because I since started using a Mac and most PDAs had a byzantine method –often requiring purchase of a 'missing link'– of syncing to Macs.
Recently the iPhone came out and I was excited by it largely due to the fact it was Apple and obviously would sync seamlessly with a Mac. Conversely it was pricey, not available in Canada and, really, I wanted to stop using a mobile phone. I was informed, however, that I could purchase one from the USA, sign up for service temporarily, let it lapse but still use all the other features on the phone. I am still hesitant.
More recently Apple presented the iPod Touch which is essentially an iPhone without the phone. I immediately thought it would make a good PDA for Mac users (I don't have a iPod as I'm not interested in listening to music while I am out and about) but realised it was missing one important app: Notes.
In the current issue of Business in Vancouver and found an article by Alan Zisman also heralding the iPod Touch as a PDA. You can read his article on his website below.
www.zisman.ca store.apple.com www.biv.com
Boot Camp Cure for Web Obsession
MOKCHEON, South Korea — The compound — part boot camp, part rehab center — resembles programs around the world for troubled youths. Drill instructors drive young men through military-style obstacle courses, counselors lead group sessions, and there are even therapeutic workshops on pottery and drumming. But these young people are not battling alcohol or drugs. Rather, they have severe cases of what many in this country believe is a new and potentially deadly addiction: cyberspace.
Concrete Hermit
“Punk is an attitude not an aesthetic”
Since 2004 Concrete Hermit has worked with selected artists, building its reputation by producing a range of graphically lead products including books, T-shirts and badges.
We decided to create a platform that promoted interesting work fairly and with respect for both the artist and the buyer. We enjoy working with diverse groups of people to produce good, interesting, unusual stuff. We try not to be lead by fashions or markets, although we are making products for consumers - we’re putting creations out there to be consumed.
We’re no longer sure what real is but we’ll do our best to keep it real - We are post-neo-old-skool.
Labels: art, book cover, design, exhibition, ideas, illustration, inspire, london, smart, value
Biltmore Cabaret
The Room
The Biltmore Cabaret brings a New Orleans Gothic Bordello style Rock Club and a Shanghai 1940’s Show Lounge together for a modern fusion of Cabaret.
The large newly renovated room with a 362-person capacity is decked with warm and rich wallpapers adorned with decadent light fixtures and deluxe decor. Every Seat in the house is blessed with great sight lines to the very large well-lit stage. Along both sides of the nightclub are comfortably placed booths that are very conducive to small groups and create an intimate environment. The 2 very equip bars are easily accessed off the large dance floor which is surrounded by cabaret style bar stools and benches. The Venue is fully capable to ensure terrific sound and lighting for live bands, DJ’s, comedy acts, fashion shows and so on. There is a small private green room directly across from a recreational nook with pinball machines and a photo booth to ensure nostalgic memories of this boutique style nightspot.
The Location
The Biltmore Cabaret is located at 395 Kingsway in the thriving Mount Pleasant area of Vancouver Canada. A hop skip and a jump from the very hip Main Street and just minutes from downtown.
Labels: Canada, community, gentrification, value
Dashboard Weather Widget
Look at this lovely, inadvertent design of colour, letters and numbers. Too bad what it means for our shoes.
Santacon 2007
Each December for the last 12 years a strange phenomenon has been occurring in major metropolitan areas involving Cacophonous Santas who have been taking to streets and generating a bit of naughty Noël mayhem. It all started back in 1994 when several dozen Cheap Suit Santas paid a visit to downtown San Francisco for a night of Yuletide blasphemy. Things have reached Critical Xmas and these Santarchists now visit over a 4 dozen cities each year.
2007 will be a special year in Vancouver with some new adventure, some new locales to spread Chrismas cheer, and with well over 100 Santas expected!
Labels: Canada, exhibition, inspire
Flow (psychology)
Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing, characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Proposed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields. Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be on the ball, in the zone, or in the groove. Wikipedia Steve Pavlina (www.stevepavlina.com) offers the following 7 rules for maximizing your creative output:
- Define a clear purpose.
- Identify a compelling motive.
- Architect a worthy challenge.
- Provide a conducive environment.
- Allocate a committed block of time.
- Prevent interruptions and distractions.
- Master your tools.
Ace Hotel | Portland
For Alex Calderwood, Wade Weigel, Doug Herrick and Jack Barron — whose 79-room Ace Hotel opened in Portland, Ore., last month — good design is about tapping into a city’s lifeblood. “We want guests to wake up in their rooms and feel immediately that they’re in Portland and couldn’t be anywhere else,” Calderwood says. www.acehotel.com/portland
Labels: architecture, design, smart
Canon HG10 High Definition Camcorder
The Canon HG10 AVCHD Format Hard Disk Drive Camcorder delivers high definition technology with the effortless ease of recording video directly onto a hard disk. Incorporating the latest AVCHD (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) format, it puts superb image reproduction and advanced features at your fingertips in a compact AVCHD Format HDD camcorder.
Among the Canon Exclusive features on the HG10 are Canon's own Full HD CMOS sensor and advanced DIGIC DV II image processor. More exclusives are SuperRange Optical Image Stabilization, Instant Auto Focus and our new 2.7" Widescreen Multi-Angle Vivid LCD. With the Genuine Canon 10x HD video zoom lens and a host of other advanced features the HG10 is the right choice in HDD camcorders.
Walden | Nils Holger Moorman
‘Walden. Or, Life in the woods’ is the name of a story from the American writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau, written in the mid 19th century, which describes his life and his relationship with nature. The concept of simple life influenced the garden-project from Nils Holger Moormann, which invites one to live outdoors. www.moormann.de
Umbra Concept Store | Toronto
The Umbra Concept Store opened its doors on June 1st, 2007 in downtown Toronto to customers and design enthusiasts alike. The space showcases the largest assortment of Umbra and U+ Studio Collection products. To enhance your shopping experience, the store displays unique, limited edition artwork and a functioning design space where you can interact with designers at work. Recently named Project of the Year at the September 2007 Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (ARIDO) awards, the store is hard to miss from the outside and extraordinarily dynamic on the inside. The Concept Store is quickly becoming one of the City's top architectural icons. www.umbra.com
Labels: architecture, art, Canada, design, exhibition
Through passive amplification alone, These unique pieces instantly transform any personal music player + earbuds into a sculptural audio console. www.scienceandsons.com
This is England (1983 style)
Watched Shane Meadow's This is England the other night and aside from being a great movie overall it also showed off some great early 1980's skinhead (Non BNP oriented) styles. I am all for a revival, in particular the look sported by Lol (Played by Vicky McClure, pictured above centre), the short cropped hair with the long bangs, Fred Perry T shirt and blue jeans.