Vancouver Celebrates Pangea Day With The World on May 10 Vancouver joins cities around the world on May 10 for Pangea Day, the live global event which aims to bring people together through the power of film. Two free public events being organized in Vancouver, downtown at Vancouver’s largest theatre Empire Granville 7 Cinemas and in East Vancouver at the Rio Cinema, will enable more than a thousand people to participate in the live event together.
Pangea Day, organized by T.E.D. Conferences, ( arrives at 11 am in Vancouver on May 10, 2008, with a live 4 hour broadcast from Los Angeles, Rio, London, Cairo, Kigali, and Mumbai. Twenty-four award winning films drawn from 2500 submissions from 100 countries will be shown, along with music performances, and inspirational messages from people like CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Jordan’s Queen Noor, and Bob Geldof. Millions will participate in Pangea Day by watching the event broadcast live by satellite, on the Internet, television, and on cell-phones. Creating a type of ‘global campfire’ experience, the Pangea Day broadcast will also be shown in 1000 other global locations in private and public showings, twelve in Vancouver, entirely organized by volunteers.
Jill Binder, slam poet and entrepreneur, and Kajin Goh, artist and designer, launched the popular website to create a buzz in Vancouver and promote the Friends of Pangea Day activities locally. They will also co-host the East Vancouver event. Paul Schellenberg, international event marketer, heard about Pangea Day and decided to bring it to Downtown Vancouver. Empire Granville 7 Cinemas offered Vancouver’s largest cinema for the venue. Both events are being promoted jointly to reach as many people as possible.
Downtown Vancouver- The free event will be held at Empire Granville 7 Cinemas (855 Granville). Doors will open at 9.45 with a scheduled Opening Ceremony starting at 10:30, the Live Broadcast from 11-3, and a short Wrap-Up Discussion afterwards. The concession stand will be open, people can bring a bag lunch, and some food/drink may be provided (see website for updates). People will be free to leave early and have limited in/out privileges. Free Tickets may be picked up at Tickets Tonight (200 Burrard), Empire Granville 7 Cinemas, and Book Warehouse (Yaletown- 1068 Homer, Davie- 1051 Davie, Seymour- 552 Seymour, Broadway- 632 W Broadway, Fourth- 2025 W 4th, Kitsilano- 3066 W. Broadway, West Tenth- 4444 W 10th).
East Vancouver- The free public event will be held at Rio Cinema (1660 Broadway East). Doors Open at 10:30 with the Live Broadcast from 11-3, and a short Wrap-Up Discussion afterwards. The concession stand will be open, people can bring a bag lunch, and some food/drink may be provided (see website for updates). People will be free to leave early and have limited in/out privileges. Free tickets may be picked up at Rio Cinema (1660 Broadway East), WorkLess Party office (2250 Commercial) and at People's Coop Bookstore (1391 Commercial).
Both events are also giving the audience an opportunity to help others around the world by suggesting a voluntary donation at the cinema on May 10 of $5-10 per person which will go to the World Food Programme for hunger relief. According to the WFP, $9 is enough for 12 school lunches for hungry kids. Companies supporting the Vancouver Friends of Pangea Day events include Empire Theatres, Rio Theatre, Book Warehouse, Tickets Tonight, Clubcard, (Yuri Doric), Ultra X-press Printing, and People’s Coop Warehouse.
For more information and the latest details, visit Press inquiries about Pangea Day should be directed to Press inquiries on Friends of Pangea Day Vancouver events can be directed to Kajin Goh (East Vancouver, 778-995-6207) or Paul Schellenberg (Downtown Vancouver, 604-338-2754).