Inside Burgerworld

"Hilarious yet scary, hardcore yet charming, the Hamburger Eyes crew put out the illest lil’ photography magazine the world has ever seen. Since the first issue of 30 xeroxed pamphlets was printed in 2002, Hamburger Eyes has become an elegant yet underground periodical combining the documentary approach of National Geographic with the hit-‘em-hard sensibility of a late-night tagger. A pictorial history of both the intimate and iconic moments of everyday life, Hamburger Eyes is a travel journal, a personal diary, and a family album. Inspired by the traditions that began with LIFE magazine and Robert Frank, the magazine revitalizes the sensation of photography as a craft as well as a tool to record and document."
Just received my copy in the post the other day. Recommended. This collection of photos have a very raw, honest feel that is somewhat reminiscent of Gary Winogrand's photos– albeit not as street, but more documentary and much more personal. Hamburger Eyes.