The Girl Effect is a campaign designed to create awareness and act on social change in developing countries. Best described on their website, the campaign is about girls. And boys. And moms. And dads. And villages. And towns. And countries. It's a concept about building a better future for humanity. To best explain it, just imagine this scenario. Here's the thing: Girls living in poverty are uniquely capable of creating a better future. But when a girl reaches adolescence, she comes to a crossroads. Things can go one of two ways for her and for everyone around her. One: She gets a chance, gets educated, stays healthy and HIV-negative, marries when she chooses, raises a healthy family, and has the opportunity to raise the standard of living for herself, her brothers, her family, her community, and her country. One: None of these things happen. She is illiterate, married off, isolated, pregnant, and vulnerable for HIV. She and her family are stuck in a cycle of poverty. The Girl Effect is not just an idea. It's the most important thing you can do. Do something. Say something. Watch the video...