"Savvy criminals are using some of the country's most credible logos, including FedEx, Wal-Mart, DirecTV and the U.S. Border Patrol, to create fake trucks to smuggle drugs, money and illegal aliens across the border, according to a report by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (sic)" from ABC news.Posted by Otto O'Brien
Truck Semiotics
the Pelican Project
Labels: blog, book cover, design
The Kingdom opening credits
Watched this last night. Was missing some subtitles. The opening credits are probably the best four minutes of the movie (although I accept no responsibility for historical accuracy). Created by Pic Agency.
Ikea advertisement | by Spike Jonze
Been looking for furniture again. It's either Craigslist or Ikea.
Labels: video
Monster Childrenhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif
I noticed a magazine in the shoppe called Monster Children. It looked like The Rolling Stone cut off at the knees and thought they might be related. I quickly skimmed through it but didn't find any information on it's genetics. They have a website (surprise, surprise) and although it doesn't immediately look as unique as the design of the magazine itself it may have some interesting information within. Check it out, let us know if you learn anything. monsterchildren.com
Generation Printing
"3 minute time-lapse video [shot by ToddSmith.tv] showing 26 days during installation of a state-of-the-art Heidelberg six colour printing press at Generation Printing [www.generationprinting.com] in Vancouver, BC Canada. This large press, a $4 million CD102-LX3 with aqueous coater and extended delivery, required a large pit dug and special concrete pad to be poured for its foundation."
Labels: analog, technology, vancouver
Creative Review Handbook
"Creativehandbook.co.uk is the companion site to the Creative Handbook, the world's leading directory of creative services. The Creative Handbook, which was recently acquired by Creative Review, lists over 15,000 photographers, illustrators, designers, ad agencies and other creative companies. Anyone can place their contact details on the Creative Handbook website for free. However, to get the best from the site, and to show our users your work, we offer Enhanced listings. With an enhanced listing, you can display a fully-searchable portfolio of your work. You can also tell our readers about yourself and your company, inform them of your latest news and award wins, link through to your website and even set briefs."chb.com creativereview.co.uk creativereview.co.uk/e-cr
toread || an email based bookmark service
Are you using an online bookmark service to save dozens and dozens of "toread" web pages?
Are you fully satisfied with them?
If you find it hard to manage your "toread" web pages, just try "toread", an email-based bookmark service.
"toread" gives you a simple way to go through your "toread" web pages. It's simple, free and handy after all, all-in-emails!
As you receive your "toread" websites by email, you can save them in your local disk and browse them at any time, with no online connection required.
Try "toread" from today, and you will find a better way to get along with your "toread" web pages.
Posted by vostokone
LetterMeLater || Send Scheduled Emails
This is similar to Mail Freezr, mentioned previously on this site, but:
"LetterMeLater.comallows you to send emails to anyone you wish, with the ability to have them sent at any future date and time you choose. A feature missing from every email service is the ability to schedule when an email gets sent - you must click the "send" button at the exact moment of delivery. With this service, you can write emails with your existing email address, and they will get sent at the exact date, or dates that you specify - down to the minute."www.lettermelater.com
Carpal Fonil requests your assistance
As some of you may know Carpal Fonil is the blog for Fonil Design (there is a link to the right) and Fonil Design is, essentially, a graphic and web design company. As anyone involved in the graphic design industry knows the value of our services are constantly undermined by a client base that doesn't really understand what it is we do other than tweak images on a computer screen. This, combined with increased access to computers and graphic design software, has led people to believe that professional graphic designers are unnecessary and overpriced. Clients expecting spec-work, Photoshop amateurs and graphic designers unwilling to even try and educate clients have created a climate of desperation, back stabbing and resentment (okay, that might be a little dramatic but I haven't thought of a better way to word it yet …). More than anything it is the computer, and a misunderstanding of its function(s), that have people believing that anyone who can operate a computer can do anything on it, failing to realise the most important work (inspiration, creativity, technical knowledge, problem solving, pre-press, practical knowledge, etc) happens in the head. Having said that I have begun to detect a new 'enemy' of graphic designers, one who, really, should be an ally. They are printing companies that offer design services. I don't mean printing companies with graphic designers in house –which is fine as they are still employing graphic designers– but printing companies that offer clients online methods of, more or less, automatically 'designing' their own stationery and bypassing any need for a graphic designer. Aside from taking work away from a graphic designer they are also doing their client a disservice insofar as not offering them a greater degree of creative and practical service. This is tantamount to graphic designers buying basic printers and paper and avoiding having their work sent to a professional printer. Of course I am aware that most good printers would never offer so-called online services but the number of automated all-in-one online-design-to-print services are increasing –and I haven't even touched on the 'deals' offered via online logo development companies et al– and I propose we make a point of pointing them out and calling them on it (For the past month I've been emailing one local company printlux.com asking whether they are a print company or a print company trying to put graphic designers out of business and they refuse to reply). Maybe it is idealistic but it would be encouraging to think that professional graphic designers could conduct themselves in a manner where competition is based on a clients interest in the work we do rather than how little we can charge for it. If you are a graphic design and are interested please 'comment' on any companies you come across that offer such online services and, once we've compiled a few, we'll post them here. Thank you, Carpal Fonil
2007's 10 Craziest Ways to Hack the Earth
No. 9. Better cows "Every year, cows and other four-legged livestock emit 80 million tons of methane into the atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas, methane is 20 times more potent than CO2 -- serving your family a steak dinner is like taking a 40-mile drive in a Hummer."www.wired.com
Labels: best of, environment, ideas, inspire, smart, technology, theory
The history of Monopoly
Apparently the game Monopoly originated as the The Landlord's Game and encouraged a much different set of values than acquiring property and wealth. It was a teacher's device invented by Lizzie J. Magie that supported a tax movement led by Philadelphia-born Henry George that "proposed a single federal tax based on land ownership believing a single tax would discourage speculation and encourage equal opportunity".
"The Landlord's Game and Monopoly are very similar, except all the properties in Magie's game are rented not acquired as in Monopoly and instead of names like "Park Place" and "Marvin Gardens" one finds "Poverty Place", "Easy Street" and "Lord Blueblood's Estate". The objectives of each game are also very different. In Monopoly the idea of the game is to buy and rent or sell property so profitably that one becomes the wealthiest player and eventually monopolist. In The Landlord's Game, the object was to illustrate how (under the system of land tenure) the landlord had an advantage over other enterprisers and to show how the single tax could discourage speculation."Landlord's Game Monopoly Monopoly
A Clockwork Orange — Nadsat
I once had a copy A Clockwork Orange that had a glossary of all the dialect (Nadsat) used in it. I no longer have the book but a quick search online led to gradesaver.com which offered the list below (plus additional information about the film). If you would also like to know the origin of the words that information is available at en.wiktionary.org.
baboochka: old woman
baddiwad: bad
banda: band
bezoomny: mad
biblio: library
bitva: battle
Bog: God
bolnoy: sick
bolshy: big, great
brat, bratty: brother
bratchny: bastard
britva: razor
brooko: belly
brosay: to throw
bugatty: rich
cal: feces
cantora: office
carman: pocket
chai: tea
chasha: cup
cheena: woman
cheest: to wash
chelloveck: person, man, follow
choodessny: wonderful
clop: beak
collocoll: bell
crast: to rob or steal; robbery
creech: to shout or scream
dama: lady
ded: old man
deng: money
devotchka: girl
dobby: good
domy: house
dorogoy: dear, valuable
dratsing: fighting
dva: two
eegra: game
eemya: name
forella: "trout"
gazetta: newspaper
glazz: eye
gloopy: stupid
goloss: voice
goober: lip
gooly: to walk
gorlo: throat
govorett: to speak or talk
grahzny: dirty
grazzy: soiled
gromky: loud
groody: breast
gruppa: group
gulliver: head
horrorshow: good, well
interessovat: to interest
itty: to go
jeezny: life
kartoffel: potato
keeshkas: guts
kleb: bread
knopka: button
kopat: to "dig"
lewdies: people
litso: face
loveted: caught
lubbilubbing: making love
malenky: little, tiny
malso: butter
merzky: filthy
messel: thought, fancy
mesto: place
millicent: policeman
minoota: minute
molodoy: young
nuking: smelling
oddy knocky: lonesome
odin: one
ookadeet: to leave
oomny: brainy
oozhassny: terrible
oozy: chain
otchkies: eyeglasses
peet: to drink
pischcha: food
platch: to cry
platties: clothes
plesk: splash
pletcho: shoulder
plott: body
podooshka: pillow
pol: sex
polezny: useful
pony: to understand
poogly: frightened
pooshka: "cannon"
ptitsa: "chick"
pyahnitsa: drunk
rabbit: work, job
radosty: joy
raskazz: story
rassoodock: mind
raz: time
razdraz: upset
razrez: to rip, ripping
rock, rooker: hand, arm
rot: mouth
rozz: policeman
sabog: shoe
sakar: sugar
sammy: generous
scotenna: "cow"
shaika: gang
sharries: buttocks
shazat: to say
shest: barrier
shiyah: neck
shlapa: hat
shlem: helmet
shoom: noise
shoot: fool
shvat: to grab
skorry: quick, quickly
sladky: sweet
sloochat: to happen
sloosh, slosshy: to hear, to listen
slovo: word
smech: laugh
smot: to look
sneety: dream
sobirat: to pick up
soomaka: "bag"
soviet: advice, order
spat: to sleep
spatchka: sleep
starry: ancient
strack: horror
tally: waist
tolchock: to hit or push;blow, beating
tomtick: piece, bit
toofles: slippers
tree: three
vareet: to "cook up"
see chelloveck
veshch: thing
viddy: to see or look
voloss: hair
von: smell
vred: to harm or damage
yabzick: tongue
yahma: hole
yeckate: to drive
zammechat: remarkable
zasnoot: sleep
zhenna: wife
zoobies: teeth
zvonock: bellpull
zvook: sound
* appy polly loggy: apology
* cancer: cigarette
* charles, charlie: chaplain
* chumble: to mumble
* crack: to break up or "bust"
* crark: to yowl?
* cutter: money
* dook: trace, ghost
* drencrom: drug
* dung: to defecate
* eggiweg: egg
* filly: to play or fool with
* firegold: drink
* fist: to punch
* flip: wild?
* golly: unit of money
* guff: guffaw
* gulliwuts: guts
* hen-korm: chickenfeed
* horn: to cry out
* in-out in-out: copulation
* jammiwam: jam
* lighter: crone?
* luscious glory: hair
* mounch: snack
* nazz: fool
* pan-handle: erection
* pee and em: parents
* plosh: to splash
* polyclef: skeleton key
* pretty polly: money
* sarky: sarcastic
* sharp: female
* shilarny: concern
* shive: slice
* shlaga: club
* shriking: scratching
* sinny: cinema
* skolliwoll: school
* snoutie: tobacco?
* snuff it: to die
* sod: to fornicate, fornicator
* splodge, splosh: splash
* spoogy: terrified
* Staja: State Jail
* synthemesc: drug
* tashtook: handkerchief
* tass: cup
* vaysay: washroom
* vellocet: drug
* warble: song
* yahoodies: Jews
* yarbles: testicles
chepooka: nonsense
droog: friend (ie: my droogies)
kootch: key
koshka: cat
kot: tomcat
krovvy: blood
kupet: to buy
lapa: paw
malchick: boy
moloko: milk
moodge: man
morder: snout
mozg: brain
nachinat: to begin
nadmenny: arrogant
nadsat: teenage
Nadsat glossary: Nadsat words that do not seem to be of Russian origin are distinguished by asterisks.
nagoy: naked
neezhnies: underpants
nochy: night
noga: foot, leg
nozh: knife
okno: window
oobivat: to kill
osoosh: to wipe
plenny: prisoner
prestoopnik: criminal
privodeet: to lead somewhere
prod: to produce
Posted by vostokone
Labels: book, film, information
"There is no business to be done on a dead planet"
That is a quotation from the legendary Sierra Club executive director David Brower. Awhile back I read a little (I think it was in the Green Issue of Vanity Fair which someone at the job I was at at the time 'borrowed') about Patagonia and have remained idly curious about them. More recently a friend sent me a link to an article about them on CnnMoney.com and my interest was renewed (in my idleness I became confused of whether it was Patagonia I was trying to remember or equally ubiquitous The North Face). Having further thought about it I have grown curious how Patagonia compares to our own (Canadian) Mountain Equipment Co-Op? Does anyone know the differences off hand (Hint: this is an opportunity for out readers –if their are in fact any– to become involved via comments)?
Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton — Our Hell
"Emily Haines and Jaron Albertin (Spy Entertainment) is well-proven team since their joint work on Metric's video Empty. Now here is their brand new piece shot by a thermal camera."popcombat.blogspot.com
"Not strictly a music video, this short film sees filmmaker Sophie Clements in collaboration with John Hendicott and Scanner to create Evensong, shot in Scotland and featuring geometric light patterns created in-camera. Lovely."www.creativereview.co.uk
In German Funkstörung means 'transmission interference' and although I don't listen to their stuff very often I do it enjoy it once in a while. They do a lot of remixing and their original pieces are a kind of glitchy uneven and almost accidental sound (I am sure there is a proper term for it) often overlaid with vocals. They are not together anymore (though they do have a posthumous website and the original partners work independently) but this is one of my favorite videos of theirs. The video was designed by The Designers Republic. www.funkstorung.com www.thedesignersrepublic.com
The Elbow Room Café
I'm no arithmetician but if my rudimentary calculations are correct The Elbow Room turns 25 this year. It isn't that I just happen to have their birth year memorised but that I've been thinking about Vancouver and its metamorphosis in regard to customer service (amongst other things). In recent years I have noticed that in many instances politeness has not appeared to be a mandatory part of an employee's interaction with clients, in particular in regard to retail sales and restaurants. It would be unfair to state that this is the case everywhere for, in truth, it has simply become more of an extreme divide between that false sales pleasantry and the feeling you are wasting someone's time. In regard to the latter I thought about The Elbow Room and wondered if, due to all the places people could go to be abused, they might be suffering from the competition? But of course, as anyone to has dined there knows, a more enjoyable meal rarely occurs elsewhere. Their form of abuse indicates that they are only paying more attention to you and your needs, even if you have to get a refill yourself. Happy Birthday Elbow Room Café! www.theelbowroomcafe.com
Labels: addiction, Entertainment, food, fun, vancouver
The Serif
Aren't people who talk and text on their mobile / cell phones while walking down a sidewalk annoying? Aren't people annoying whom don't turn their ringers off when they are on the bus, in the library or watching a movie? Aren't they even more annoying when it rings really loud? And even more annoying when they have some some music and it plays really loud and they don't pick it up right away as if they are waiting to hear a particular riff or chorus? And what about those people playing music on their mobile phones as it if it impresses others or even sounds any good? Is the human race getting more stupid and annoying? Posted by vostokone
One Page Magazine
Apparently One Page Magazine is a project where any logos from the inside of a particular issue of a magazine are printed the same size in the same spot on one page. Nice. Posted by vostokone
Labels: analog, design, illustration, magazine
Sound Asleep Pillow
"This unique product requires no headphones as there is a speaker built inside pillow. More comfortable than headphones with the soft hollowfibre filling, you cannot feel the speaker inside. It's ideal, as only you can hear your personal sounds, so your partner can sleep in peace. It allows you to drift off to your favourite music and not be woken up later by the noise of your stereo as the sound pillow will stop playing once your selected songs end. People who experience tinnitus can use the sound pillow to create a background noise, which can help them fall asleep. Some insomniacs can benefit from the soft sounds of music or relaxation tracks."www.soundasleeppillow.co.uk Posted by vostokone
Labels: design, Entertainment, fun
Hallmark Events and Impacts on Housing
Hallmark Events and Impacts on Housing: A Lecture by Dr. Kris Olds
Monday, January 21, 7 pm
SFU Harbour Centre (515 West Hastings), Fletcher-Challenge Theatre Admission to public lecture is free. Reservations are not required. Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Kris Olds is Professor of Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Kris' research focuses on urban and regional change, as well as the globalization of the services industries. He has been conducting research on the housing impacts of mega-events since 1986 and wrote a landmark report in 2007: Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights.
In Paris Kris is currently conducting research on two projects related to the global geopolitics and geoeconomics of higher education restructuring. His publications "Globalization and the Asia-Pacific: Contested Territories (Routledge, 1999); The Globalization of Chinese Business Firms (Macmillan/St.Martin's Press, 2000); and Globalization and Urban Change: Capital, Culture, and Pacific Rim Mega-Projects
He also recently founded a new research-based blog called GlobalHigherEd blog (available at http://globalhighered.wordpress.com/).
Posted by vostokone
Labels: city, environment, inspire, lecture
The Long Emergency is Vancouver's Problem Too
The Long Emergency is Vancouver's Problem Too
Thursday, Jan. 24, 7 pm
Urban critic James Howard Kunstler is SFU's first visiting fellow in urban sustainable development. Kunstler says he wrote The Geography of Nowhere, "Because I believe a lot of people share my feelings about the tragic landscape of highway strips, parking lots, housing tracts, mega-malls, junked cities, and ravaged countryside that makes up the everyday environment." His 2005 book, The Long Emergency, is about the challenges posed by the coming permanent global oil crisis, climate change and other "converging catastrophes of the 21st Century." A former staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine, he has no formal training in architecture or related design fields.
Free, but seating is limited / Reservations: 778.782.7914.
Posted by vostokone
Labels: city, environment, information, inspire, lecture, vancouver
Tobias Walther Photography
Tobias Walther is a German photographer currently working and attending grad school in Pullman, Washington. He looks a lot like a young Jean Reno. www.tobiaswalther.com Posted by vostokone
Labels: environment, fashion, Germany, photo, USA
Solving a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside a Cookie
The idea that fortune cookies come from Japan is counterintuitive, to say the least. "I am surprised," said Derrick Wong, the vice president of the largest fortune cookie manufacturer in the world, Wonton Food, based in Brooklyn. “People see it and think of it as a Chinese food dessert, not a Japanese food dessert,” he said. But, he conceded, “The weakest part of the Chinese menu is dessert.”www.nytimes.com Posted by vostokone
Labels: analog, Entertainment, food, japan
It's a magazine, a product, no, it's an album …
VISIONAIRE is a multi-format album of fashion and art produced in exclusive numbered limited editions. VISIONAIRE 53 SOUND is available now and features work by a lot of famous musicians, artists and designers. Take a look for yourself: www.visionaireworld.com If you want to pick up a 'copy' and live in Vancouver go to: Sophia Books
John Maeda
Mr. Maeda who has been the MIT Media Lab's Associate Director of Research for twelves years is set to be Rhode Island School of Design's President beginning this June. He does very interesting work: www.maedastudio.com weblogs.media.mit.edu/SIMPLICITY lawsofsimplicity.com www.ted.com www.aiga.org
Labels: analog, art, blog, book, business, community, design, exhibition, fun, Game Shows, ideas, illustration, inspire, smart, technology, theory, USA
No Exit
Writing in the catalog for “Photographing Suburbia,” the exhibition curator, Daniel R. Rubey, outlines the thinking behind his selection of the artists and imagery. He says he wanted to convey both the way suburbia has been a part of art photography for the past half-century and the way its depiction has changed over that time.“Photographing Suburbia,” through Jan. 28, and “On Location: Women Photographers From the Hofstra University Museum Collection,” Jan. 14 to June 27, both at the Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, Hofstra University Museum, Hempstead. Information: (516) 463-5672 or www.hofstra.edu/museum. from the New York Times.
Labels: art, exhibition, gentrification, ideas, New York, USA
1973: Sorry, Out of Gas
"This major exhibition is the first to study the architectural innovation spurred by the 1973 oil crisis, when the value of oil increased exponentially and triggered economic, political, and social upheaval across the world. Featuring over 350 objects including architectural drawings, photographs, books and pamphlets, archival television footage, and historical artefacts, the exhibition maps the global response to the shortage and its relevance to architecture today."www.sorryoutofgas.org www.cca.qc.ca
Labels: architecture, art, Canada, exhibition, ideas, information, inspire, photo, theory
New Museum
The Mission Statement simply says "New Art. New Ideas" and the building certainly epitomizes that. www.newmuseum.org
Labels: architecture, art, exhibition, New York
I Eat Photos & Funny Popcorn
Our illustrator & graphic designer friend 'George' has some work up on Blogger & Flickr and, if we're lucky, she'll be uploading more soon. www.funnypopcorn.blogspot.com www.flickr.com/photos/ieatphotos
For all you shoe and accoutrement aficionados in Victoria we have learned that Graciela has a blog and a holding place for a future website. A great store for gifts and oneself, rush in and encourage them to regularly update their blog and to get their website running! I'm all for the Steve Madden Riding Boots pictured above.
Graciela 102-561 Johnson Street Victoria, BC (250) 381-8614gracielashoes.blogspot.com www.shopgracielashoes.com
Tiny URL
"Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place. By entering in a URL in the text field below, we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires."tinyurl.com
Mail Freezr
Every wanted to send an email that wont be delivered until a much later date?
"MailFreezr.com is a free service which stores your email, and will deliver it to your recipient after a given number of years."www.mailfreezr.com
"A tumblelog (or tlog) is a variation of a blog that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post formats found on tumblelogs include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video. Unlike blogs, tumblelogs are frequently used to share the author's creations, discoveries, or experiences while providing little or no commentary."Get a Tumbler tlog here: www.tumblr.com
Bauhaus – Broken Wings
This is the first and only time I've heard of this movie. www.emotionp.com
Labels: architecture, art, community, Craft, design, film, ideas, illustration, painting
Non-Newtonian Fluid
A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which the viscosity changes with the applied strain rate. As a result, non-Newtonian fluids may not have a well-defined viscosity. wikipedia.org Make your own: www.exploratorium.edu
Labels: analog, Entertainment, environment, fun, information, technology
The 15 Below Project
Speaking of good design in Celebrating it's 15th Anniversary Taxi Advertising & Design decided to produce a project that would give to the neediest in their community, the homeless. They designed and produced a coat with numerous pockets that could be stuffed with bunched up newspapers in order to help a person maintain their body heat in an efficient and inexpensive manner. Field test were done by TAXI staff and apparently it was a success. Of course there is no simulating the physical, emotional and mental conditions experienced by the homeless but it certainly seems a worthwhile endeavour. 15belowproject.org Maybe designers in Vancouver could join together to produce something equally useful and utilitarian. I for one propose we take the over-sized Sumi, Miga and Quatchi (2010 Olympic mascots) dolls and do as *Han Solo did to that *Tauntaun in *The Empire Strikes back. *I had to look this up, I'm not really a Star Wars geek
More 'good' design related site
Design for the other 90%
“The majority of the world’s designers focus all their efforts on developing products and services exclusively for the richest 10% of the world’s customers. Nothing less than a revolution in design is needed to reach the other 90%.”
—Dr. Paul Polak, International Development Enterprises
The Sustainable Packaging Coalition is an industry working group inspired by cradle to cradle principles and dedicated to transforming packaging into a system that encourages economic prosperity and a sustainable flow of materials.
Frogfile office essentials is your one-stop shop to find well-designed office products that are easy on the environment. Frogfile brings you exceptional products at fair prices, and it's great for the planet. Remember - it's easy being green!
Labels: analog, best of, business, community, design, environment, ideas, information, inspire, smart, technology, theory, value
Money vs. Spirit
Just for consideration and amusement, contemplate for a moment the content and activity of most American game-shows you have watched on television. They almost invariably pit contestants against each other for some form of currency or consumer gods, *ahem* goods. The Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants to be an Asshole on Television? etc. Not much in the way of entertainment other than aural and visual stimulation while the tv trays are out and adorned with Stouffers. The point of these types of challenges are typically to foster desire and skill, but what is the skill really? Is it luck, chance and an encyclopedia? Bollocks! And so I direct your attention to Haneru no Tobira. Just one of the many Japanese game shows where stamina, endurance and courage are its own reward, not money. Watch the clips and tell me, what is more imaginative, spinning a wheel for money, or spinning humans, for the sake of entertainment. Risk is its own reward.
Labels: Entertainment, Game Shows, japan
PuSh International Performing Arts Festival
"The annual PuSh International Performing Arts Festival is one of Vancouver’s signature events. Produced over 19 days each January, the PuSh Festival presents groundbreaking work in the live performing arts: theatre, dance, music and various hybrid forms of performance. It attracts acclaimed local, national and international artists and their work. PuSh expands the horizons of Vancouver artists and audiences with work that is visionary, genre-bending, multi-disciplined, startling and original. Over 14,000 people attended the 2007 festival. Visiting presenters from across Canada and around the world were in attendance for the Assembly networking event to view performances, dialogue and do business. PuSh is much more than an annual cultural feast for Vancouver: it is a broker of international partnerships, a meeting place for creative minds, a showcase of Canada’s best and an incubator of brilliant new work. PuSh puts Vancouver on the world stage and brings the world to Vancouver."www.pushfestival.ca
Labels: analog, fun, performance, vancouver
43 Blocks Hastings east–west
Labels: art, exhibition, music, vancouver
Free The Net
Unlock your block: we're connecting Canada, 1 block at a time using Meraki wireless routers. And you can help! Meraki is technology that allows you to create a WiFi mesh. A mesh is used by a community to spread affordable broadband access. It is the technology that is currently used by Vancouver.FreeTheNet.ca and (coming soon) nwt.freethenet.ca. More technical details about Meraki from their website and from Wikipedia.
Art's Birthday 2008 at the Western Front
“Art’s Birthday” is an annual event first proposed in 1963 by French artist Robert Filliou. He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day, on the 17th of January to be precise, Art was born. According to Filliou, it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. Modest beginnings, but look at us now.
“Attic” performance by Anna Friz, Eileen Kage, Roberto Paci Dalò, Jean Routhier, Absolute Value of Noise, and E.D.R. Special live stream from Tokyo with Don Chow.
Live audio stream at http://giss.tv:8000/atticnoise.mp3 (on-line Jan 17th from 2 pm – 2:30 pm and 8 pm – 9:30 pm) Project site at http://projects.front.bc.ca/2008/artsbirthday
Labels: analog, art, Canada, environment, exhibition, ideas, music, vancouver
My Future Umbrella
This unique, funnel shaped umbrella harnesses the flow of rainwater down into its handle, a water pistol. The user can fire at will, maintaining a constant flow of water as long as rain continues to fall!
from Alex Woolley Design.Posted by Otto O'Brien
Labels: city, community, design, environment, fashion, fun, smart, technology, toys
'Good' design related websites
Three Trees Don’t Make a Forest Three Trees Don’t Make a Forest is a not for profit enterprise set up to help everyone involved in design and advertising to rethink their working cultures and start to produce sustainable creative solutions that really work. Lovely as a Tree Lovely as a Tree aims to enable and inspire graphic designers to make more environmentally friendly choices in their work. GreenBlue GreenBlue uses design as a leverage point for effective action. Many of society's challenges are caused by poorly designed industrial systems ... systems that are providing alarming feedback at all scales, from toxic mothers' milk to holes in the ozone layer. GreenBlue asks: How can we design, prototype, and realize better products and systems? GreenBlue asks this question in specific contexts to reveal practical design and business opportunities. Social Design Site SocialDesignSite.com is a non-profit organisation that aims to foster a discourse on social design through our international online platform and the organization of and participation in projects, exhibitions, conferences, lectures, etc. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organization that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world’s forests.
Labels: analog, best of, business, community, design, environment, ideas, information, inspire, smart, technology, theory, value
Art on the Plinth and Future Controversy (just wait, and watch)
A shortlist of six artists for the next work to go on the Fourth Plinth was announced in 28 November 2007, and their proposals for the next work to go on the Fourth Plinth have been unveiled.The Spoils of War (Memorial for an unknown civilian) Jeremy Deller
Patrick Leger
Patrick Leger currently resides in North Carolina, USA.
Labels: art, ffffound, illustration, painting, USA