Funny Games, Funny Games

Funny Games trailer (1997)
Although Michael Haneke directed a suitably contemporary version of Funny Games which was released just barely over a decade ago it is presumable that since it was a German and French language film the majority of the English speaking world did not make the time to watch it. Such is the case an English language version has been filmed which, judging by the trailer, is staged practically identical to the older version. Although critical of remakes –especially those of films still so young– the fact that it has the same director adds and interesting additional layer of meaning to it. Michael Haneke is quite literally playing funny games with Funny Games and, although I have not seen the remake, I recommend you see both in whichever order you prefer though mI might suggest the prior first. Hell, why not watch them at the same time …
Funny Games trailer (2008)
Can anyone else suggest remakes that were directed by the same director as the original? I'm inclined to think there might be some Asian films that fit this category but am uncertain and not too inclined to do the research at the moment.
Posted by vostokone