"When will we reach the breaking point? Our minds have become a virtual dumping ground of pollutants — manipulative ads, distorted news, untold violence, spin and hype. We can cope with the media onslaught to a degree. But all signs suggest that the cumulative effects of this toxic culture — on our stress levels, our moods, our relationships, our worldviews, even our mental health — could become one the most pressing issues of our generation. This online activist network — 25,000-strong — is working to rethink our broken media system. We invite you to join by signing the Media Carta manifesto. Media activism is still in its infancy and is currently fragmented into dozens of different agendas. Over the coming months and years, we'll be exploring ways to pull together these disparate threads. We consider Media Democracy, Media Justice and especially Mental Environmentalism to be groundbreaking narratives that could gel our activism into a full-fledged movement – a movement on par with feminism, civil rights and environmentalism. We hope you'll join us in changing the way information flows and how meaning is produced in our Information Age."adbusters.org
Posted by vostokone