The Engineering Undergraduate Society

The Engineering Undergraduate Society pulled a dangle – a – VW Bug – off – the – Lions Gate Bridge again. I say again because it has been done before and much more impressive VW Bug oriented pranks have been executed (Dangling a VWBug off the Golden Gate Bridge, for example). You'd think they might do something more visible such as hang it from any one of the construction cranes currently dotting the Vancouver landscape. Or putting it atop the Burrard Street Bridge or the under construction Shangrila Behemoth. More interesting than this oft repeated prank is the additional accusation that The EUS also vandalized the Nine O'Clock Gun located in Stanley Park. The Province ran a story claiming it was the work of The EUS which they have adamantly denied on their website. As an aside it appears that in 1969 The EUS actually kidnapped the Nine O'Clock Gun:

Posted by vostokone